Wednesday, June 07, 2006

And so it begins...

Tomorrow is staging in Philadelphia and I find myself running behind schedule as usual. Of course I put off packing to the day before I leave, but it'll all come together at the last minute. For some reason I have a lot more stuff than I thought I had and might even exceed my 80 lbs limit. I really have no idea what to expect when we arrive in Lome and I kinda like it that way. These few days in Philly will be a nice way to meet these crazy people I will be "working" with for the next couple of years and I can already see the ice breaker activities that we'll be subjected to participate in. I should thank Mary here for introducing me to peace corps literature, which has really given me a good indication of what I should expect to be doing and everyday tribal life. We should be hanging around the capital for a few days to see the place and get a feel for urban Togolese life. I'm really excited to leave for our training villages and meet my new host family. I feel like half of my bags are full of gifts and games for them and it should be a lot of fun to sit down and talk to them. Talking thats another issue all together because my french is still sub par and the time I should have been reviewing it, I wasn't. But from what I hear it shouldn't be difficult to pick it back up after a couple of months of intensive language training. I'm pretty sure it will be more helpful than the "intensive" italian instruction in florence^_- This whole blog thing is weird because its almost like I'm rambling on talking to myself, which I do anyway so you think it wouldn't be a new concept to me. But it is. Wow now I really am talking to myself. I should end this now. But I will post some more random musings about my activities and of course pictures!!! Pzzzzout!!!!